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Equestrian Vaulting Australia

Vaulting Exchange a Roaring Success

Our German Denmark Vaulting Exchange in June/ July 2017, was a roaring success.

Our entourage, Junior vaulters, Jamie Haste, Claire Stevens, Bella Napthali, Bronagh Miskelly and Erin Ryan accompanied by Natalie Miskelly, Maria Napthali, Victor Napthali, Lani Maher, Glenn Haste and myself travelled the countryside vaulting and sightseeing. It was a great experience, we saw lots of beautiful countryside, met lots of lovely people and horses and we learnt a lot.

Lani supervised the trip as their coach and mentor and billeted us to the families of her vaulting team at Haus Getter in Muënster where we were able to train on their super horses and go on to compete at Krumke.

The Krumke CVI was a very positive experience for our young vaulters, supported by their very polished German team and the four senior Australian vaulters, Jamie Hocking, Emma Moulds, Morgan Spary and Ruth Skzypeck, competing at this event. I believe this a record number, nine individual Aussie vaulters at an overseas CVI.

As the Aussie Chef d'equip, I was delighted to report on a very well organised and welcoming competition in the little country town of Krumke and in particular the combined support and exemplary behaviour of our junior and senior vaulters representing Australia. It was also a privilege to be witness to the presentation of a gold medal to Australia for Isabella Napthali winning the CVI1* Children's class on the German horse World Wide 6 lunged by Dr Dina Menke.

A fun and very rewarding week at the Summer camp in Denmark with Lasse Kristensen and other fabulous international coaches including our Jamie Hocking, was a true highlight. Of course it was all about vaulting but the focus was on fun.

In between visiting castles, swimming in lakes, practicing volleyball and slacklining skills we managed to compete at another vaulting competition in Herbertingen in the South of Germany,with Anna Traub's team horse Quintus de Mesille and lunger Roswitha Ehrle.

We were delighted to receive the second place prize for our team in a competitive German line up and first prize for the team to travel furthest to their competition. Again we received a very warm welcome for the "Team from Downunder".

Our trip ended with a stay in Aachen to watch the vaulting spectacle and support our Jamie Hocking on his horse French Kiss. We were joined in the last week of our tour by Kieren Halliday which was the lead up to his individual debut at the Junior Worlds in Austria coached by Lani Maher.

Just a word of thanks to the VNSW committee and ENSW for supporting our vaulting exchange in the form of badges, caps and gifts for our host families. The vaulting family grows. As more beautiful friendships are made across the globe because of our unique sport.

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