Equestrian NSW has aligned the 2018 awards with the EA National Awards.
Nominations are now being accepted for the following categories: * Groom of the Year * Coach of the Year * Volunteer of the Year * Official of the Year * Administrator of the Year * Event of the Year * Club of the Year * Gow Gates Services to Vaulting 1. Please note - All nominees must be Equestrian NSW members and horses must be registered in NSW. 2. Please send - a brief paragraph as to why they have been nominated for the award including recent and/or major results/achievements 3. Please supply - a good photograph of your nominee in high resolution Nominations should be submitted to secretary.vnsw@gmail.com by COB Thursday 10th January 2019, but earlier will be much appreciated. All of the awards are discipline based, and VNSW will select the final winner from nominations received. Vaulting winners will be presented with a NSW award and then be judged by the ENSW Board to be the State nomination for the EA awards. Further enquiries to secretary.vnsw@gmail.com