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Equestrian Vaulting Australia

***STOP PRESS*** NEW DATES/VENUE National Championships - CVI

Dear Vaulting Community, I wish to advise that the dates of the National/CVI Championships have changed. The event will now run from Friday September 27th to Wednesday October 2nd. This change of date has also necessitated a change of venue to White Park in Scone. Please be assured that Vaulting NSW has not made this decision lightly. Several factors have caused the change in date and venue, however the most significant factor has been availability of judges.

  • The change of date allows us to secure a full complement of internationally approved judges required by a 3* CVI event. This was not the case if we were to proceed with the mid-October dates.

I would like to thank the VNSW committee for the extra work involved in trying to resolve this conflict. The event has required two venue changes and the amount of work for the committee escalates with each change. The Schedule for this event will be updated and released soon. The schedule, and other documents will be posted onto the Equestrian Vaulting Australia website & our Facebook page for this event 23rd Australian Vaulting Championships as they become available.

Yours sincerely, Gillian Burns

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