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  • Equestrian Vaulting Australia

Article: Scone Vaulting Club Even Stronger Post-COVID

Updated: Jan 12, 2022

For Scone Equestrian Vaulting Team (SEVT), the impact of COVID-19 saw the club's traditional training and competition activities be put on hold seemingly overnight.

But, like many other clubs, SEVT met COVID head-on. Prior to COVID, the club was training twice-a-week and included training for individual performances, squad and Pas De Deux.

Initially, the club was required to cease all Vaulting training, but after careful review of the regulations as they changed (and changed and changed again!), SEVT training became an individual affair. Vaulters valued the one-on-one time with their coach Robyn and the horses responded well to the change in routine.

To keep the club culture alive, coach Paula Clark organised Zoom training so vaulters could stay in contact with each other. During this time one thing became clear, that the vaulters would benefit in their training if they had something to work towards. Previously they had always had a competition date marked on the calendar – a challenge to be met.

Vaulting in Australia generally requires significant travel to events and it became obvious that COVID was going to prevent such events. With in-person competition in question, we decided that we needed to look at online options. A committee was formed and a web platform developed. Weekly Zoom meetings enabled this committee to develop a program, website and platform to host an online event. Whilst we were unable to run it as a competition, we knew that the feedback from Australian judges outside of the club would help to motivate and excite the vaulters, lungers, and wider Vaulting community.

Australian judges Nina Fritzell, Robyn Bruderer and Jenny Scott assisted in this endeavour.

Entry fees were kept low and club member Lili Tami, developed a souvenir t-shirt to help cover costs. We were extremely glad to have received a great number of videos from vaulters all over Australia. The feedback on the event was positive and the organising committee learnt many new skills on the journey. SEVT was immensely proud to have hosted the first online event of its type in Australia.

Once COVID restrictions eased, we were able to return to club training, however still adhering to COVID guidelines, which ruled out Squad and Pas De Deux sessions.

During the past twelve months, we have managed to work within restrictions to enjoy Vaulting camps during the holidays. This activity has created much interest in the sport within our local area and has even lead to new members within the club.

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